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About Us

Chiropractic and Massage Therapy

Hands holding sun Wellspring Centre Owner, Dr. Timothy March is joined in practice by Amy Larsen who offers massage therapy, which may be used as an additional tool in your healing journey. At our chiropractic care center, we concentrate on upper cervical chiropractic care using the NUCCA Technique. Whether you want to reach the highest levels of health or have had a chronic issue for years, our patients have shown remarkable successes through our gentle approach. Babies, children, adults and seniors alike are all welcome at our practice.

Why Wellspring?

Wellspring ˈ/welˌspriNG/

  • Fountainhead
  • The source of a spring
  • Abundance and continual supply

Our practice name is a tribute to the deep, inner source of human potential that we all carry within. We’ll tap into this capacity for health and healing by bringing your mind and body into balance, facilitated by aligning the head and neck. You can then operate at your optimum levels. Wellspring Centre for Body Balance was founded by Dr. Jordan Weeda, and first opened its doors on February 1, 2010.

If you’re interested in finding out more, contact our team today! We’ll be happy to answer your questions or get you scheduled for your first appointment. CONTACT US »

About Wellspring Centre for Body Balance | (541) 482-2021